How to apply for Address change on Saskatchewan Driver’s License Online?
- Visit the official portal.
- By using your user id and password login to SGI Portal.
- Enter your Driver’s License number and date of birth.
- Address change window will be displayed.
- Enter your new address and click on the submit button.
Saskatchewan driver’s license address change online –
Apply online for address change on Saskatchewan driver’s license –
How to apply for Address change on Saskatchewan Driver’s License in person?
Address Change on Driver’s License at Motor License Issuer Office:
- Visit the SGI official portal.
- Select your nearest Motor License Issuer Office.
- Visit the selected Motor License issuer office along with your driver’s license and the address proof document.
- Take the address change application form and fill the application form and submit the application form.
Saskatchewan driver’s license address change online –
Apply online for address change on Saskatchewan driver’s license –
Sponsored LinksHow to check the Validity of Saskatchewan Driver’s License Online?
The Government of Saskatchewan Province provides this online service to all the residents of Saskatchewan Province who are having Saskatchewan driver’s license, by using this service the residents of Saskatchewan Province can check their driver’s license validity online.
Checking the Validity of a Driver’s License online in Saskatchewan Province:
- Visit the official portal.
- By using your user id and password login to SGI Portal
- Select the checking the validity of a driver’s license option from the driver’s license menu.
- Checking the validity of a driver’s license window will be displayed.
- Enter your Saskatchewan driver’s license number.
- Enter your date of birth.
- Select the submit button.
- A window will be displayed with your driver’s license validity period.
Check Saskatchewan driver’s license validity online –
Check the validity of your driver’s license online –
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